A manager , strategist, streamer and advisor all-in-one.

I am a geek focused at creating direct business impact. I am a blockchain product manager who loves to use technology as a tool to optimize business functions and innovate solutions. I am focused on creating customer-centric products that solve end-user problems while delivering seamless user experiences.

Let's collaborate and revolutionize the core financial system


StartUps mentored


Products Transformed


People Mentored

The vision that accelerates my growth.

I want to transform the global financial system by ensuring data ownership and transparency. I am focused to drive Financial inclusion and re-innovate global trade processes.

Stakeholder Management

My experience in working with global teams has helped me hone my communication skills. I have collaborated with key stakeholders to strategize and implement high impact products.

Product Management

I have grown from a developer to a product manager by leading highly productive and culturally diverse teams. I have conducted consumer research to ensure customer centric production and evolution

Exposure to Blockchain

I have been a Blockchain Research Associate at Athens Information Technology , Greece and am currently leading a 1300+ member global community of women in blockchain tech at Women Who Code.

A consumer-first approach to financial management

My vision is to build high-tech products with easy-of-use in mind.

I try to simplify blockchain and De-Fi jargons and concepts to promote community learning and mass adoption for the technology.

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